How You Can Help

More than 50 years after the verdict in the Hiss case, important historical records that could throw new light on the charges against Alger Hiss and on many other important mid-2Oth Century events remain locked in government files in many countries - including the United States, Russia, and a number of formerly communist Eastern European countries. The Search for the Truth is being thwarted.

In Russia, most of Joseph Stalin's "personal" files (actually office files) are still under lock and key in the Kremlin. In this country, Congress does not plan to make public either the executive (closed-door) hearings held by the old House Committee on Un-American Activities after 1944, or post-1944 reports by that committee's investigators, until 2026 - more than a quarter century from now.

You can add your voice to those around the world who are pushing for historical openness and the daylighting of long-suppressed records by writing officials at government agencies in various countries to urge them to encourage their governments to release more information to scholars and to the public.

If you are interested in participating, here are some useful names and addresses:


The Hon. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI)
House Committee on the Judiciary
2332 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515

(Rep. Sensenbrenner's email address is; the the Judiciary Committee's Web site is

The Freedom in Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room in the J. Edgar Hoover Building at FBI Headquarters, in Washington, D.C., offers 46,213 pages of released FBI documents about the Hiss case for public inspection. Although many FBI documents from other celebrated cases have been posted at the FBI Web site (, no Hiss case documents are available online. To request that the FBI digitize and post these records, you could write to:

Mr. Louis J. Freeh
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Office Building
935 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

Please also feel free to e-mail this Web site for additional information, at



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